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The Stonington Garden Club wishes to thank all those who supported and attended our Gardens by the Sea walking tour held June 10 & 11, 2022 — our 8 garden hosts, over 2,800 attendees, over 200 volunteers, 11 “Plein air” artists, 30 Marketplace vendors, Mystic Paper Beasts artists and poets, Tour Guidebook advertisers, and many more who donated funds and in-kind items. Oh, and the weather gods blessed us with perfect weather! With your support, the 2022 Tour was our most successful in the club's history.
Save the Date
June 12 & 13, 2026
We are pleased to announce that the next Gardens by the Sea will be held on June 12 & 13 in 2026! Please sign up for our mailing list to stay up to date as the tour gets closer.

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